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Safety Near-Miss

What is a Safety near-miss #

A Safety near-miss is an unplanned event that could have resulted in an injury to a team member. For example, a piece of equipment could have malfunctioned, or a worker could have made a mistake that almost injured someone. Near misses are often investigated to identify the root cause and take steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Why should near-misses be tracked? #

Tracking near misses is crucial because it allows companies to identify and address potential hazards before they result in injuries or accidents. By analyzing near-miss data, companies can identify patterns and trends that can help them to improve safety practices and procedures and prevent future incidents.

In addition to helping to prevent injuries and accidents, tracking near misses can also be beneficial from a financial standpoint. Companies that can prevent accidents and injuries will have lower workers’ compensation costs. They may also avoid the expenses associated with lost productivity and damage to equipment or products.

How do you implement a Near-Miss tracking system? #

Implementing a near-miss tracking system typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the purpose of the near-miss tracking system. The object of the new system is improving safety, reducing the number of injuries and accidents, and identifying trends and patterns.
  2. Determine who will be responsible for tracking near misses. Typically a safety officer or a team of individuals would be responsible for monitoring near-misses and implementing countermeasures.
  3. Develop a system for reporting and documenting near misses. A simple reporting method could be a simple paper form. Alternatively, safety reporting software such as VizmaPro is a great way to automate the tracking process.
  4. Communicate the near-miss tracking system to employees. Provide training to current and new employees on how and when to use the form.
  5. Monitor and review near-miss data regularly. The safety officer or team should analyze the information regularly to identify trends and patterns and take appropriate action to address any identified issues.

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